Monday, November 16, 2015

Report #4: Harry Potter and Academic Writing

Here is me and my 4th report about #30DayWritingChallenge. Can’t believe that I’m half way down the road. I feel good and that’s the most important thing.

Day #11: Something you always think “What if …” about.

I tried to imagine how the things would be going if I wasn’t a writer. I tried to imagine myself being a teacher and it wasn’t bad. Maybe I will even try it in real life J That’s where this challenge leads me to. Amazing, isn’t it?

Day #12: Write about the things you’ve acquired since you started freelance academic writing.

I just can’t stop talking about how freelance academic writing is great, don’t I? But what can I do if it’s really that wonderful? That’s right, I can do nothing. That’s why I just tell everybody about it.

Day #13: What are you excited about?

I wanted to compare my excitement from the childhood and the feeling I experience now. I guess I still feel excited about many things and I’m very happy about it.

Day #14: Post your favorite movies that you never get tired to watch.

There are so many things that I can consider my favorite that it’s very difficult to choose. Am I the only one with such a dilemma?

Day #15: Bullet-point your whole day.

Seems like a normal day when I have organized it on the paper. Have to do it more often J

Day #16: Something that you miss.

I wrote about my efforts not to miss anything. I think that I’m doing pretty well with it because the point is in self-programming. If you make yourself miss, you will miss. The same thing is with happiness.

That’s it. I feel very balanced with this writing challenge. It opens some new possibilities within me and I don’t see any obstacles to use them.

What about you? Do you want to try it?

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