Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Watch Your Style

Every academic writer tries to develop his own writing style. It doesn’t mean one has to be all creative and easily recognizable by the way he writes – in fact, academic writer should stay neutral for the sake of his customers; client’s tutor might notice that the assignment you wrote differs from what your customer usually submits. However, you should improve your academic writing style and practice alone won’t save you. There are some rules you need to follow in the everyday life in order to make sure you won’t lose the professional touch.

Avoid Profanity and Slang

And when I say “profanity and slang”, I don’t mean you should get rid of every single swearing word in your vocabulary. It will be enough if you stop using parasite words like “duh” or the f-word. You see, parasite words tend to replace dozens of other words and it is really comfortable – no need to think of an inventive synonym to express your thought, you’ve got a simple word right on your tongue. Some lousy teenagers might allow themselves such luxury, you – academic writer – might not. Your task is to expand your vocabulary, not to shorten it.
Don’t Read Bad-Quality Stuff

We all know that every academic writer should read classic literature and scientific papers to improve his taste. What some people forget is that there is also bad-quality writing and authors, who wish to keep their style clean and clear, should avoid reading such things. If you don’t want to get under the bad influence, stay away from fanfiction and yellow press. Most works from these sources are written in a very bad manner, besides, there are many grammar errors in such “masterpieces” as well.
Create Templates

An essay template, created by yourself, would make your work on the writing style much easier - especially if you give preference to a specific essay type, for example, to a descriptive, argumentative or persuasive essay. A qualitative template would allow you to put new content into a fixed form that consists of definite structures and expressions – and with every new order you could improve the form (and style) and make it more perfect.
Remember – clear writing style makes a lion’s share of a success in the career of academic writer.

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